
Gracious Daughters is  our  women’s ministry  in  Redemption  &  Rhema Church  worldwide. 

 We  gather  to  glorify one name and one name only,  JESUS.

Our  heart is to create  moments for  women  to  come  sit at the feet of Jesus  and receive. 

We believe Jesus came to reveal one name and one name only; FATHER.  Through Jesus we have access to  this  relationship that makes us  whole. 

We  encourage  women  to  walk out the fullness of Gods calling on their  lives  as they are  established  in our one,true identity as a  beloved daughter of God. 

Dear Gracious Daughter

A few years back, I had a moment. I truly believe that this was an intentional moment where I noticed all the different women around me. I noticed that each woman possessed beautiful talents, gifts, and abilities in their own way and capacity. As I was noticing this, something troubled me within my spirit. What got to me was that these women weren’t fully owning their role as stewards in sharing the good news of God’s salvation with their God-given gifts! These women needed to know that they all have such an important place to be able to use all that they have for God! So, I decided to take this frustration to God and have a heart-to-heart about what I was feeling. God graciously whispered to my spirit, saying, “Well my daughter, do something about it!”
With hesitation, I was thinking to myself, “Should I initiate a women’s ministry at our church to foster a sense of sisterhood among the women? How could I? Firstly I don’t fit the stereotype of a feminine woman. I’m introverted, and at the same time being in a big group of women can be challenging for me at times. Amid all the doubt and questions, God’s response came to me so gently and clearly: “This ministry isn’t about creating a sisterhood where the purpose is to focus horizontally on each other; but it’s about directing your focus vertically towards Me, and letting it be about Me alone, your Father”.
And so, the journey to start Gracious Daughters began. It became a sacred place. A place where every single woman can gather together lay down all distractions and centre your attention on the Father to experience a deep personal connection with Him. Even thou there is a desire for sisterhood, God showed me the focus needs to be on HIM, on the vertical relationship you have with Abba and the other relationships we so desire will be the fruit of us being secure in our identity as a beloved daughter of God.
Right here, in this place YOU are valued, YOU are accepted, and YOU are welcome just as you are. You daughter, are empowered to use your voice for His magnificent glory as you experience the boundless love the Father has for you!
